Friday, May 17, 2013

We got slimed!!!

As I always say my husband has it good. He gets time away from the circus for 8 hours a day. My job however, is a 24hr 365 continuous shift.

This morning, (4:30am to be exact )as the hubby got ready for work, he went about his usual routine of giving the little monsters a kiss on their forehead (he's such a softie for them) when he called me in their room. As I half jumped out of bed wondering why the heck he would be calling me into their room this time of morning I walked in to see him with a handful of what looked to be radio active lime green oatmeal. Needless to say somebody recreated a scene from the exorcist sometime in the middle of the night and the hubby landed right in while leaning in to kiss the kids. So as I got the little ones up to clean them and the bed up, hubby washed his hands and headed out the door leaving me to operate the "one man hazmat team" -insert envious side eye look-. As I put the two half-sleep kids one by one into the shower and clean the bed I asked who threw up, they replied in unison "I don't know". WHAT??? How do you not know?? How do you throw up and not even know?? Ok forget I asked that (I just had a flash back of new years eve).  Speaking of flashbacks I just got one that might solve our little "whodunit". As I recall as "the little princess" was coming home from her grandparents earlier today, she was eating one of those awful soft lollipops that I believe are made of some sort of white chocolate. I asked her what she had and she replied"Santa Claus"...ummm hmmm. you mean to tell me that's candy from Christmas???? Did I mention its the middle of May????  I have to remember to call my dad and thank him later.

After they were all washed, I put them back to bed...yay me!!! -did u detect the sarcasm there-.where they proceded to take over my tv and wake up their younger brother who was sleeping peacefully in his crib. I have been in listening to fights over pillow pets and cartoon sing alongs ever since...uugh.But what can I say this is my life and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Things I Learned This Holiday Season

1. No matter what I think we will never have enough batteries for all those damn toys under that tree.
2. Contrary to popular belief my family actually CAN play a game without yelling and throwing things...
3. My sister and I need therapy
4. Certain family members think a half eaten slice of pie makes for great target practice.
5. Karaoke made me realize that my aunt knows the words to 50 cents "In the club" and her nieces and nephews don't...
6. Paula Abdul has nothing on my uncle..."the karaoke choreographer"
7. My daughter currently holds the worlds record for breaking the most toys within minutes of being opened.
8. Everyone wants to hold the new baby, until he poops, then everyone catches a sudden case of " Do you know the last time I changed a diaper???"
9. Cardboard boxes make better toys than the toys that actually came in  them
10. No matter what, I love my loud, crazy karaoke singing family...they're the best!